NSL Analytical Services, Inc., an independent testing laboratory, successfully completed their ANAB ISO17025-2017 recertification audit and has demonstrated technical competence in the field of testing with no findings or observations.
Over the four-day audit process at the Analytical Facility, ANAB remotely verified all the current scope items and NSL’s extensive list of new additions. New methods added include:
New Instruments or equipment added to the audit scope include:
During the audit at the Metallurgical Facility, ANAB observed all the items on NSL’s Metallurgical scope and reviewed the scope additions. The scope additions for this audit included:
ASTM A604 Standard Practice for Macroetch Testing Of Consumable Electrode Remelted Steel Bars and Billets
New Instruments added to the audit scope include:
About ANAB and ISO Accreditation
ANAB, the ANSI National Accreditation Board, is the largest multi-disciplinary accreditation body in North America and services more than 75 countries. ISO 17025 Accreditation proves a laboratory has an acceptable quality management system in place, and it has the ability and competence to provide testing and calibration results.
About NSL Analytical Services, Inc.
NSL is an Independent Commercial Testing Laboratory and a recognized leader in analytical testing. Since 1945, NSL has helped to verify the highest quality, performance, and safety standards in product materials through comprehensive testing services. For more information, visit NSLAnalytical.com.